Some facts
Our goal is to educate children in environment protection, as we believe that only children can make a real difference
We are a non-profit web page, aiming to reach as many kids worldwide as possible. Please share it with anyone and use it for free whenever you want!
Kids friendly
All content was gathered and reviewed so that it's suitable for kids 6-10 years old. If you find something inappropriate, please let us know.
Give us a hand
If you would like to contribute in any way, by providing interesting content, ideas, translation etc., please feel free to contact us.

Who we are?
Piotr Musial
Founder of Blue Planet Knights.
Piotr is an IT consultant, but his real passion is paragliding and surfing. He also loves playing guitar, travelling and photography.
One day he decided to do something different, pro publico bono. Inspired by his son Thomas, he realized that children can understand environmental issues better than adults. They are also more willing to act in order to save our planet and living species.
Hopefully this website can help by making a little difference!

Tomek was the main inspiration behind this project. At school he was exposed to some environment protection topics, but it’s only after he experienced lots of pollution in Indonesia that he understood how important it was to start changing our habits.
Now he’s a beta tester of the website and he advises me on content and graphical design 🙂
Contact Us
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(0048) 503491585
You can contact us with any idea or comment you have